Element index for package jqAutocomplete
Package indexes
[ a ]
[ c ]
[ d ]
[ e ]
[ g ]
[ h ]
[ i ]
[ j ]
[ l ]
[ q ]
[ r ]
[ s ]
[ t ]
[ v ]
[ _ ]
- $ajaxtype
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$ajaxtype
Determines the ajax type made to the server. Defaut is GET. Can be a POST
- $aoptions
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$aoptions
Stores the default options for the autocomplete
- $cache
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$cache
When set to true enables client side caching of the results.
- $cachearray
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$cachearray
Defines the uniquie cheche array (used in java script) when a cache is enabled.
- $conn
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$conn
Stores the database connection
- $dbtype
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$dbtype
Stores the database type needed in some db functions
- $element
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$element
Stores the Id of the element. Should be uniquie value in order to have multiple autocomplates defined in one file.
- $height
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$height
Determines the height of the autocomplete elemnt. Work only if $scroll option is set to true.
- $itemLength
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$itemLength
Set the maximum rows send from the query to the autocomplete. If set to
- $loadAll
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$loadAll
Determines if the data should be loaded at once from the SQL siurce.
- $runAll
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$runAll
Internal variable to determine whnever the script is run for first time.
- renderAutocomplete
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, method jqAutocomplete::renderAutocomplete()
Main method which do everthing for the autocomplete. Should be called after all settings are done. Note that in one file we can have more than one autocomplete definitions.
- $scroll
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$scroll
Determines if the content in autocomplete should have a scroll. Use this option with the height option - see below. If this option is not set the content will have height equal of the responce rows.
- $searchType
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$searchType
Set the search type for the LIKE SQL operator.
- $SelectCommand
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$SelectCommand
Defines the select command for obtaining the data from the database.
- $source
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$source
Stores the source for the autocomplete. Can be a string which should point to file from where to obtain the data. It can be array too.
- setEvent
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, method jqAutocomplete::setEvent()
Set a JavaScript event for the autocomplete. For all the possible events
- setLength
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, method jqAutocomplete::setLength()
Set the limit of the requested data in case of SQL command
- setOption
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, method jqAutocomplete::setOption()
Set the desired option for autocomplete. For a full list of the option refer
- setSource
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, method jqAutocomplete::setSource()
Set the source need for autocomlete to send a data. Can be a string or array. If the option is string then this is the url from where to obtain the data.
- $term
- in file jqAutocomplete.php, variable jqAutocomplete::$term
Stores the term parameter send from autocomplete and then used in query