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Where can I see live examples of jqGrid?

Can I use jqGrid with an ASP MVC?


nam nhat, 2009/09/10 13:44, 2009/09/10 13:45

How to align the column name to left/right?

Steffen Mutter, 2011/01/21 00:21

That's a style-sheet matter. Just look in the sourcecode (using firebug for example) and you will find a <span class='ui-jqgrid-title'> just search for this one and do your changes in the stylesheets or change the css on runtime using jQuery.

chris, 2009/10/04 08:59

Is it possible to reorder the rows in a set by drag and drop, and submit the results by JSON or so?

mr. user, 2009/11/04 19:42

Great plugin. I think a nice feature would be frozen columns similar to that available in openrico.

liugaohui, 2009/11/09 08:54, 2009/11/09 08:57

if the data is Arraydata,it can't page? Is there anybody who can reply me quickly?

wanggang, 2009/11/25 06:06

if the data is Arraydata,it can't page? Is there anybody who can reply me quickly?

I meet the same question,who can reply me?

Steffen Mutter, 2011/01/21 00:14, 2011/01/21 00:23

No, you can't use the navGrid, when using Array Data - that's explained in the examples section AFAIR… But the JSON and AJAX stuff is very easy to use. If you got PHP on your server side it's easy going. I prefer JSON as datatype, because it's so well structured.

Partha, 2010/02/11 06:40

Can somebody help me with inline Add. I am using Jqgrid for one of my applications where in the user needs to add data continuously. So I need a way to add blank rows in the grid using some events and when submit this should go as Add instead of Edit

quach tinh, 2010/10/02 02:39

Could someone let me know which event will be fired when columns are reordered? I'd like to save columns list for next login.

David, 2010/11/16 21:55, 2010/11/16 21:58

You need to set sortable options when setting up the grid. Assign something like this to the sortable element

sortable: { update: function(permutations) {SaveColumns(permutations); })

When it gets called, it passes in an array with all the column indexes and you will see which column was moved, such as: 1,2,3,7,5,6,4,9

Marcelo, 2010/10/19 20:09

ao utilizar o caseSensitive tranca a página, alguém já usou o caseSensitve que possa me passar maiores explicações?

Clea Barnett, 2010/11/02 15:14

Hello- I was wondering if there was any way to assign an event (such as click) to a specific column. I know one can use onCellSelect and then check the coordinates, but I'd rather not bind other cells needlessly. I would like to bind a click even to all cells within one column. It seems most intuitive that such an action would be defined in colModel, but I cannot see that that is a possibility.

Thanks! Clea

Tony Tomov, 2010/11/02 17:25

Hello, What about onSortCol event? Tony

Stephen McCulloch, 2010/11/09 16:45

In the download, the file grid.locale-fr.js is missing an entry for edit: { msg: { date:

I'm guessing it should be: date: “Saisissez une valeur de date valide”,

My page gets its locale from a querystring parameter. How do you set the grid's language from that?

Kevin Bootz, 2010/11/24 13:55, 2010/11/24 13:57

Is there a way to disable the grid but allow paging for local data? I am currently using setGridParam…. with the events I believe are relevant (beforeSelectRow, onCellSelect, ondblClickRow,onPaging,onSortCol ) but this seems overkill. Perhaps I missed it in the doc?

Also, will setGridParam with an empty value for the key reset the default action?

$(”#myGrid”).jqGrid('setGridParam', {beforeSelectRow: ””}).trigger(“reloadGrid”);

I'll more than likely determine how to do this but – 'just sayin…'

Thanks for any positive feedback

Steffen Mutter, 2011/01/21 00:06, 2011/01/21 00:09

Importing and Exporting options :-P What I really need is an example: how to create an export of my jQgrid setup and how to import it (An example for the options syntax I mean) Somewhere I read that jQgrid's able to import its setup and data (in my case JSON from a CouchDB) in one go, would like to use this, because the page to be shown first depends on the actual date (given from my server - I don't trust users)

Very good tool, but so complex ;-)

Tony Tomov, 2011/02/23 07:38

Hello Mike, We need a real test case in order to fix. Also there is Git Hub

Regards Tony

Chris Peeters, 2011/03/23 09:02

Which are the limits of jqGrid with regards to columns and rows? We are currently using Dojo to render a full screen sized grid with, say 10 to 30 columns and 20 to 100 rows of data. We have serious performance issues, problems printing the page and column width is not managed well. Would a solution of client side JavaScript and JSON be feasable?

calendar, 2011/03/24 02:58

how can i post custom data with form add/edit in jqgrid?

Gene Lamb, 2011/03/29 16:13, 2011/03/31 21:19

Hi, I'm hiding rows based on criteria outside of the grid using a custom class. This works fine except that when I sort by clicking a column header, I lose my added class. I need some way to keep the class assigned to the row or an event after the sort so that I can re-filter my rows. There's a before sort event but none after that I can see. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for any help.

Asked and answered on the jqgrid forum. Added my filtering to the gridComplete option.

rex zheng, 2011/05/26 03:18

Hi, I have 2 questions about jqGrid. 1. How to response the message to users after they saved the editing record? what data format should be returned from server (especially save failed)? 2. How to apply the new record id to jqGrid after saved the new record? what data format should be returned from server?

Looking forward to your reply ! Thanks so much !

ismael, 2011/06/28 18:19

I am new in jqgrid and i need to include images inside the grid cell. It is possible? May anybody help me? Thanks!

teazos, 2011/08/12 02:14

How to extended all tree node when treegrid loading ?h Help me,please.Thanks!

ciznx chan, 2011/11/02 04:03

I want to know what version of jQuery does jqGrid 4.0 need at least

Bhargavi, 2011/12/14 06:45

Is there any way to enable pagewise sorting in jqgrid?I have 100 records coming from bakend and in my jgrid i have 5 pages and each page have 20 records.When i click on column name for sorting, it is sorting the entire grid.Is it possible to sort only current page data?

Subbarao Siram, 2011/12/16 14:28, 2011/12/16 14:31

I want to know how can I achieve a multi row look & feel for each row. Example : If there are 3 columns(name, joiningDate & comment) I want to show name & joiningDate in one line and comments below to that spanning the above two columns.

tim meehle, 2012/01/20 18:29

I'm curious if there is a “scroll” event that I can use to detect if my users have scrolled up/down in the grid? I'm presenting a list of locations for them to select from, and (outside of the grid) a “I can't find my location” option. I'm curious if the folks that are saying they can't find their location are scrolling up/down in the list or not.

dabaicai, 2012/02/15 01:15, 2012/02/15 01:37

HI,my xml like this:test.xml

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?> <root>

<R c="0" n="a"/>
<R c="1" n="b"/>
<R c="2" n="c"/>


how can bind to jqgrid? i tried like this:

              url: 'test.xml',
              datatype: "xml",
              height: 1000,
              colNames: ['mycode, 'myname'],
              colModel: [
 		                    { width: 60, xmlmap: "root>R>c" },
 		                    { width: 90, xmlmap: "root>R>n" }
              xmlReader: {
                  root: "root",
                  row: "R",
              rowNum: 1000,
              autowidth: true             

But I can't get data.Please help me.Thanks very much.

srikkanth, 2012/02/27 12:40, 2012/02/27 12:41


Am using jqgrid but am where am trying to sort a date field but it is not 

working properly what it is actually doing is, it just consider's the month value and based on the month value alone the sort is being done regardless what year and date is given.

colModel : [ {name : 'date',index : 'date',align : 'left',sorttype : 'date',datefmt:'d/m/yyyy',width : 1}]

above is syntax is used for that date field can any help?

John Zhang, 2012/05/15 03:01

When I load two jqGrid table in one page one or both of them are in loading state. I must load the second table after the first finished loading. Why?

guibirong, 2012/05/24 04:12

Has filterGrid been removed from jqGrid? I have the latest, v. 4.3.2, and filterGrid is nowhere to be seen, with or without the “Custom” module. Thanks -guibirong.

sree divya, 2012/07/31 10:57

Will simple grouping works with adjacency model tree grid?

alex, 2012/08/14 03:59, 2012/08/14 04:00

Can I add an edit link into the grid in a column called action and then when clicking on it will post actual value of the cell to another PHP page?

Hopson D, 2012/09/20 18:32, 2012/09/20 18:34


Is there a way to set the column property for one cell in the column? I've tried to used 'setCell' but it doesn't give me what i'm looking for. When I use setColProp the change applies to all the row cells in the column. I need to change the formatter attached.

Thanks in advance!

Daniele Laccetti, 2012/10/03 09:43

Hi! I need of a tree grid with afterInsertRow event active. From documentation I've observed for afterInsertRow event that Note: this event does not fire if gridview option is set to true and for gridview option that If set to true we can not use treeGrid, subGrid, or the afterInsertRow event. If you do not use these three options in the grid you can set this option to true and enjoy the speed. So in my grid option I setted treeGrid:true and gridview:false. Anyway debugging the source code I observed that gridview is setted to true causing afterInsertRow event not be executed. Any idea?


subba, 2012/10/12 18:53, 2012/10/12 18:53

In application we can have extension method for gridview boundfield to create new boundfield with custom functionality. Can we do that with JqGrid? Can we extend JqColumn.

Thanks in advance!

zhaoheng, 2012/10/27 07:28, 2012/10/27 07:29

when i use frozen in ie6,it ofen cause my html page Chaos。 why?????? bug?????

Wiflg Goth, 2012/11/20 13:14, 2012/11/20 13:16

I need some help. I use jqgrid version is 4.4.1. I use this example. <pre> <script> function myelem (value, options) {

var el = document.createElement("input");
el.value = value;
return el;

} function myvalue(elem, operation, value) {

  if(operation === 'get') {
     return $(elem).find("input").val();
  } else if(operation === 'set') {

} jQuery(”#grid_id”).jqGrid({ …

 colModel: [ 
    {name:'price', ..., editable:true, edittype:'custom', editoptions:{custom_element: myelem, custom_value:myvalue} },

… }); </script> </pre>

but i found a question, when my web page first load, i clicked the edit button, the function 'myvalue' that argument 'value' is null. when second click, third click, other click, that argument 'value' already has data, it's not null. could you help me. i need some help. thank you.

sunil kumar, 2013/03/04 05:46

how to show large amount of data in jqgrid when i am load json with the help of linq

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