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wiki:upgrade_from_3.8_to_4.0.0 [2011/04/16 16:25]
wiki:upgrade_from_3.8_to_4.0.0 [2017/12/12 17:05] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Upgrade from 3.6.x to 4.0.0 ======+====== Upgrade from 3.8.x to 4.0.0 ======
-1. The grid.postext.js module is no more supported. The module is moved to plugins directory. ​ In case you want to use it  you should include it manually. \\ +=== 1. The grid.postext.js module is no more supported. ​=== 
-If you want to upgrade you code should be changed as follow: \\+  
 +The module is moved to plugins directory. ​ In case you want to use it  you should include it manually. \\ 
 +If you want to upgrade you code should be changed as follow:\\ 
 +^Old Method^Replacement^  
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getPostData'​) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getGridParam','​postData'​)| 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setPostData',​ newdata) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setGridParam',​{postData:​ null}); \\ jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setGridParam',​{postData:​newdata})| 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​appendPostData',​ newdata) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setGridParam',​{postData:​newdata})| 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setPostDataItem',​ '​key',​ '​val'​) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​setGridParam',​{postData:​{'​key':'​val'​} })| 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getPostDataItem',​ '​key'​ ) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getGridParam',​ '​postData'​ )['​key'​] | 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​removePostDataItem',​ '​key'​ ) | delete jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getGridParam'​ ,'​postData'​ )[key] | 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getUserData'​ ) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getGridParam',​ '​userData'​ )| 
 +|jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getUserDataItem','​key'​ ) | jQuery("#​grid_id"​).jqGrid('​getGridParam',​ '​userData'​ )[key] | 
 +=== 2. The grid.setcolumns.js module is no more supported. === 
 +The module is moved to plugins directory. ​ In case you want to use it  you should include it manually. \\ 
 +The module contain only one method :  **setColumns** . The method can be replaced with the **columnChooser** method. 
 +=== 3. The following methods are no more supported: === 
 +//​updateGridRows//​ \\ 
 +//​filterGrid//​ \\ 
 +//​searchGrid (with searchFilter plugin )// \\ 
 +The methods are included in new file called grid.addons.js. The module is plugins directory. ​ In case you want to use it  you should include it manually. \\ 
 +=== 4. The searchFilter plugin is no more used in searching modules === 
 +The module (jquery.searchFilter.js) and CSS file (searchFilter.css) are moved to plugins directory. ​ In case you want to use it  you should include it manually. ​\\

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