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wiki:subgrid_as_grid [2017/12/09 14:49]
wiki:subgrid_as_grid [2017/12/12 17:20] (current)
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 ====== Subgrid as Grid====== ====== Subgrid as Grid======
-This is not a ready for you method, but rather a solution using some of the available methods and events. In this alternative to a subGrid, we use the subGrid functions of the main grid to create not a subGrid, but another grid, with all of the power and capacity of the main grid but appearing, as before, under the "​parent"​ record with the same ability to reveal and hide it.+This is not a ready for you method, but rather a solution using some of the available methods and events. In this alternative to a subGrid, we use the subGrid functions of the main grid to create not a subGrid, but another grid, with all of the power and capacity of the main grid but appearing, as before, under the "​parent"​ record with the same ability to reveal and hide it. 
 {{ :​wiki:​grid_subgrid.png | Grid as Subgrid}} {{ :​wiki:​grid_subgrid.png | Grid as Subgrid}}

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