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wiki:subgrid_as_grid [2011/07/11 16:01]
nafeger added quotes around height
wiki:subgrid_as_grid [2017/12/12 17:20] (current)
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 ====== Subgrid as Grid====== ====== Subgrid as Grid======
-This is not a ready for you method, but rather a solution using some of the available methods and events. In this alternative to a subGrid, we use the subGrid functions of the main grid to create not a subGrid, but another grid, with all of the power and capacity of the main grid but appearing, as before, under the "​parent"​ record with the same ability to reveal and hide it.+This is not a ready for you method, but rather a solution using some of the available methods and events. In this alternative to a subGrid, we use the subGrid functions of the main grid to create not a subGrid, but another grid, with all of the power and capacity of the main grid but appearing, as before, under the "​parent"​ record with the same ability to reveal and hide it. 
 {{ :​wiki:​grid_subgrid.png | Grid as Subgrid}} {{ :​wiki:​grid_subgrid.png | Grid as Subgrid}}
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 ===== Definition ===== ===== Definition =====
-We use two events described in options array: **subGridRowExpanded** and **subGridRowColapsed** [note the unconventional spelling].+We use two events described in options array: **subGridRowExpanded** and **subGridRowColapsed** [note the unconventional spelling]
 When these events are defined the population of the data in the subgrid is not executed. This way we can use the subGridUrl to get our custom data and put it into the expanded row. Having this it is easy to construct another grid which will act as subgrid. When these events are defined the population of the data in the subgrid is not executed. This way we can use the subGridUrl to get our custom data and put it into the expanded row. Having this it is easy to construct another grid which will act as subgrid.

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