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wiki:retrieving_data [2012/01/30 16:22]
wiki:retrieving_data [2012/09/18 15:26] (current)
kompi added a method to specify lastpage in case of a function datatype
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 ==== Function ==== ==== Function ====
-This option does not really define the datatype at all, but rather how to handle the data that is provided by the server (which would still come as either xml or json data). The functions defined as a Datatype should (or can) call addXMLData, addJSONData or addRowData once the data has been received. \\ +This option does not really define the datatype at all, but rather how to handle the data that is provided by the server (which would still come as either xml or json data). The functions defined as a Datatype should (or can) call addXMLData, addJSONData or addRowData once the data has been received. If you use a pager, it is useful to call your_grid.setGridParam({lastpage:​ your_number}) to specify the number of pages. \\ 
 Calling Convention: Calling Convention:
 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
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 and using the old API (not preferr) and using the old API (not preferr)
 <code javascript>​jQuery("​grid_id"​).getGridParam('​userData'​)</​code>​ <code javascript>​jQuery("​grid_id"​).getGridParam('​userData'​)</​code>​

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