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wiki:predefined_formatter [2013/05/13 15:50]
wiki:predefined_formatter [2018/02/02 20:52] (current)
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 ====== Predefined Formatter ====== ====== Predefined Formatter ======
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 Formatter can be used in either of two ways: Predefined and [[:​wiki:​custom_formatter | Custom]]. Formatter can be used in either of two ways: Predefined and [[:​wiki:​custom_formatter | Custom]].
-In this section, we discuss the Predefined Formatter.+In this section, we discuss the Predefined Formatter. ​
 ===== jqGrid Module Requirements ===== ===== jqGrid Module Requirements =====
 In order to use the formatting features, make sure you check the box for the Formatter module when you download jqGrid. ​ In order to use the formatting features, make sure you check the box for the Formatter module when you download jqGrid. ​
-For more information refer to [[:​wiki:​download | Download jqGrid]]+For more information refer to [[:​wiki:​download | Download jqGrid]].
 ===== Language options ===== ===== Language options =====
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 |number|decimalSeparator,​\\ thousandsSeparator,​\\ decimalPlaces,​\\ ​ defaulValue|thousandsSeparator determines the separator for the thousands, decimalSeparator determines the separator for the decimals, decimalPlaces determine how many decimal places we should have for the number, ​ defaultValue set the default value if nothing in the data| |number|decimalSeparator,​\\ thousandsSeparator,​\\ decimalPlaces,​\\ ​ defaulValue|thousandsSeparator determines the separator for the thousands, decimalSeparator determines the separator for the decimals, decimalPlaces determine how many decimal places we should have for the number, ​ defaultValue set the default value if nothing in the data|
 |currency|decimalSeparator,​\\ thousandsSeparator,​\\ decimalPlaces,​\\ ​ defaulValue,​\\ prefix,\\ suffix| The same as number, but we add aditional two options - prefix: text that is inserted before the number and suffix: text that is added after the number| |currency|decimalSeparator,​\\ thousandsSeparator,​\\ decimalPlaces,​\\ ​ defaulValue,​\\ prefix,\\ suffix| The same as number, but we add aditional two options - prefix: text that is inserted before the number and suffix: text that is added after the number|
-|date|srcformat,​\\ newformat| srcformat is the source format - i.e. the format of the date that should be converted, newformat is the new output format. The definition of the date format uses the PHP conversions. Also you can use a set of predefined date format - see the mask options in the default date formatting set|+|date|srcformat,​\\ newformat, \\ parseRe| srcformat is the source format - i.e. the format of the date that should be converted, newformat is the new output format. The definition of the date format uses the PHP conversions. Also you can use a set of predefined date format - see the mask options in the default date formatting set. parseRe is a expression for parsing date strings.|
 |email|none|When a mail type is used we directly add a href with  mailto: before the  e-mail| |email|none|When a mail type is used we directly add a href with  mailto: before the  e-mail|
 |link|target|The default value of the target options is null. When this options is set, we construct a link with the target property set and the cell value put in the href tag.| |link|target|The default value of the target options is null. When this options is set, we construct a link with the target property set and the cell value put in the href tag.|

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