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wiki:pivotsettings [2014/02/16 15:07]
wiki:pivotsettings [2017/12/12 17:24] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
-jqPivotGrid has the following calling convention+jqPivotGrid has the following calling convention
 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
Line 152: Line 152:
   * xValues - the "​static"​ data from the row   * xValues - the "​static"​ data from the row
 +==== gridoptions ====
 +These options are [[ options | options of the grid]]. You can set any of them.
 +==== ajaxoptions ====
 +Additionally when the data is obtained via ajax we can set additional [[https://​api.jquery.com/​jQuery.ajax/​ |ajax options]].\\
 +Note that currently we support only JSON data, so some ajax options like //​dataType//​ is not recommended to be changed. Again with this we have a //reader// option which defines the root data. By example if the data that is returned from the server has the following structure:
 +<code javascript>​
 +{"​CategoryName":"​Beverages","​ProductName":"​Steeleye Stout","​Country":"​UK","​Price":"​1008.0000","​Quantity":"​65"​},​
 +{"​CategoryName":"​Beverages","​ProductName":"​Laughing Lumberjack Lager","​Country":"​USA","​Price":"​140.0000","​Quantity":"​10"​},​
 +In this case the setting should be like this
 +<code javascript>​
 +jQuery("#​grid"​).jqGrid('​jqPivot', ​
 +   "​jsondataurl.json", ​
 +   ​{pivotoptions}, ​
 +   ​{gridoptions}, ​
 +   ​{ ​
 +     ​reader:"​root"​
 +   }

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