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wiki:pivotdescription [2014/02/07 10:59]
wiki:pivotdescription [2017/12/12 17:23] (current)
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 A lot of definitions can be found in the web. More deeper information can be found In [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Pivot_table | Wikipedia]] A lot of definitions can be found in the web. More deeper information can be found In [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Pivot_table | Wikipedia]]
-Simple we can say that pivot table is a program tool that allows you to reorganize and summarize selected columns and rows of data in a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report. A pivot table doesn'​t actually change the spreadsheet or database itself. In database lingo, to pivot is to turn the data to view it from different perspectives.+Simple we can say that pivot table is a program tool that allows you to reorganize and summarize ​\\  
 +selected columns and rows of data in a spreadsheet or database table to obtain a desired report. ​\\ 
 +A pivot table doesn'​t actually change the spreadsheet or database itself. In database lingo, to \\  
 +pivot is to turn the data to view it from different perspectives.
 ===== What is jqPivotGrid?​ ===== ===== What is jqPivotGrid?​ =====
-jqPivotGrid is a component that you can use with jqGrid to create a pivot grid. +jqPivotGrid is a component that you can use with jqGrid to create a pivot grid. \\ 
 +Let’s say that we have the following table with some sales data with the following fields: \\ 
 +product name, category name, country, price and quantity. If you want to edit, search delete this data, \\ 
 +you could easily use jqGrid features. 
 +What would you do if you had to answer the following questions?​ 
 +  - What are the order amounts of each category? 
 +  - What are the order amounts of each in a specific country? 
 +  - What are the order amounts and quantity of each category and product in specific country and their totals? 
 +You could use jqPivotGrid to create those reports, and this is how they would look: 
 +===== Using jqPivotGrid ===== 
 +jqPivotGrid inherits the jqGrid, so you can use most of the features you are already \\  
 +familiar with: column resizing, formatter, cell renderers, row/cell events etc. \\  
 +The jqPivotGrid can be used when you want to get summation and pivot features that are not \\ 
 +provided in the jqGrid. 
 +To break down the dataset into categories and country, you just have to configure the x and y Dimentions: \\ 
 +<code javascript>​ 
 +xDimension : [{ 
 +    dataName: '​CategoryName'​ 
 +yDimension : [ { 
 +    dataName: '​Country'​ 
 +Multiple levels are supported, so you can just specify them in the y and x Dimensions. \\ 
 +Grouping the rows and/or columns is done automatically when two or more levels are set in \\  
 +xDimension and/or yDimension.  
 +Now that you broke down the dataset on the y and x Dimension, it’s time to aggregate \\  
 +the cell values. Several kinds of aggregations are available including: \\  
 +sum, min, max, count etc. Future release will provide your own aggregation function. 
 +<code javascript>​ 
 +aggregates : [{ 
 +    member : '​Price',​  
 +    aggregator : '​sum',​  
 +    width:50, 
 +    label:'​Sum'​ 
 +    member : '​Quantity',​  
 +    aggregator : '​count',​  
 +    width:50,  
 +    label: '​Count'​ 
 +As you have probably noticed in the above example, you could aggregate multiple data \\ 
 +fields, say "​Price"​ and "​Quantity"​. You can easily achieve this by configuring all \\ 
 +required aggregations. 
 +Showing the grand totals for rows and/or columns is pretty easy to configure \\ 
 +("​rowTotals:​ true" or "​colTotals:​ true"​). The group totals are also available \\  
 +via rowTotals or colTotals configs.  
 +The pivot grid uses JSON data as data source. In the future we will extend it so \\ 
 +that we can read any data source. \\ 
 +===== Future ===== 
 +Since jqPivotGrid is a open source product, it will constantly be improved with new features. \\ 
 +Feel free to make this happen.

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