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wiki:pager [2011/11/02 21:06]
wiki:pager [2017/12/09 14:42] (current)
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 Note that it is a <​div>,​ not a <​table>​. ​ Then, you identify the <div> to your grid by placing the name of the div in the grid setting called "​pager"​.  ​ Note that it is a <​div>,​ not a <​table>​. ​ Then, you identify the <div> to your grid by placing the name of the div in the grid setting called "​pager"​.  ​
-First, the HTML definition. ​ We'll name it "​gridpager":​+First, the HTML definition. ​ We'll name it "​gridpager"​ :
 <code html> <code html>

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