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wiki:jquery_ui_methods [2011/11/17 13:02]
rsforbes Added documentation for dragcopy option.
wiki:jquery_ui_methods [2017/12/12 17:28] (current)
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 ====== UI Integrations ====== ====== UI Integrations ======
 ===== Sortable Columns ===== ===== Sortable Columns =====
-This method is integrated in jqGrid, so there it is not necessary to do something special. The method allow to reorder the grid columns using the mouse. The only necessary setting in this case is to set the sortable option in jqGrid to true.+This method is integrated in jqGrid, so there it is not necessary to do something special. The method allow to  reorder the grid columns using the mouse. The only necessary setting in this case is to set the sortable option in jqGrid to true.
 using our example this will look like this: using our example this will look like this:
 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
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 |dlog_opts|mixed|dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed to "​dlog",​ or (more likely) a function that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog | | |dlog_opts|mixed|dlog_opts is either an option object to be passed to "​dlog",​ or (more likely) a function that creates the options object. The default produces a suitable options object for ui.dialog | |
 |cleanup|function|Function to cleanup the dialog, and select. Also calls the done function with no permutation (to indicate that the columnChooser was aborted| | |cleanup|function|Function to cleanup the dialog, and select. Also calls the done function with no permutation (to indicate that the columnChooser was aborted| |
-|dragcopy|boolean|Copies the source row to the target rather than moving it. (GridDnD only).|false| 
 Function done defined above has the following definition in the original jqGrid code: Function done defined above has the following definition in the original jqGrid code:
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 |autoid|boolean|This option determines how the new row id should be generated. If this option is true we generate a id wich begin with string setted with the option autoidprefix (see below) and a random number. If this option is false the id can be either the the next record count or value determined by key property in colModel. \\ If the parameter is defined as function this function should return value which will act as id to the target grid. Parameters passed in this case is the data array which will be inserted into the target grid row|true| |autoid|boolean|This option determines how the new row id should be generated. If this option is true we generate a id wich begin with string setted with the option autoidprefix (see below) and a random number. If this option is false the id can be either the the next record count or value determined by key property in colModel. \\ If the parameter is defined as function this function should return value which will act as id to the target grid. Parameters passed in this case is the data array which will be inserted into the target grid row|true|
 |autoidprefix|string|This option have sense only if the option autoid is set to true and determines the prefix of the new genearted id. |dnd_| |autoidprefix|string|This option have sense only if the option autoid is set to true and determines the prefix of the new genearted id. |dnd_|
 +|dragcopy|boolean|Copies the source row to the target rather than moving it. (GridDnD only).|false|
 ==== Used jQuery UI widget(s) and other plugins ==== ==== Used jQuery UI widget(s) and other plugins ====

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