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wiki:inline_editing [2013/12/17 20:07]
logantracyo Typo fix
wiki:inline_editing [2017/12/12 17:19] (current)
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 ===== Software Requirement & Installation ===== ===== Software Requirement & Installation =====
-In order to use this functionality,​ make sure you put a check mark by the Inline Editing and Common modules when you downloaded jqGrid. ​ For more information refer to [[Download]].\\ ​+In order to use this functionality,​ make sure you put a check mark by the Inline Editing and Common modules when you downloaded jqGrid. ​ For more information refer to [[Download]].\\
 Note to Developers - Source code can be found in the grid.inlinedit.js file, located in the src directory. ​ Note to Developers - Source code can be found in the grid.inlinedit.js file, located in the src directory. ​

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