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wiki:howto_grid_base [2010/06/01 11:07]
wiki:howto_grid_base [2017/12/12 17:12] (current)
Line 3: Line 3:
 ==== Allow FireFox to work with RTL (Right To Left) languages ==== ==== Allow FireFox to work with RTL (Right To Left) languages ====
-jqGrid fully supports RTL in FireFox versions 3.x  and Internet Explorer versions >=6.+jqGrid fully supports RTL in FireFox versions 3.x  and Internet Explorer versions >​=6 ​
 The default settings in FireFox are not compatible with RTL. In order to change this: The default settings in FireFox are not compatible with RTL. In order to change this:
   - In the url bar in FireFox type about:​config and confirm the alert dialog.   - In the url bar in FireFox type about:​config and confirm the alert dialog.
Line 17: Line 17:
 <​head>​ <​head>​
 <meta http-equiv="​Content-Type"​ content="​text/​html;​ charset=utf-8"​ /> <meta http-equiv="​Content-Type"​ content="​text/​html;​ charset=utf-8"​ />
 +<meta http-equiv="​X-UA-Compatible"​ content="​IE=edge"​ />
 <​title>​My First Grid</​title>​ <​title>​My First Grid</​title>​
   ​   ​
Line 43: Line 44:
 This line should be after the language file and before the jqGrid JS file This line should be after the language file and before the jqGrid JS file
 <​note>​New jqGrid API is available from version 3.6 and up</​note>​ <​note>​New jqGrid API is available from version 3.6 and up</​note>​
 ==== Client side sorting, but server side paging ==== ==== Client side sorting, but server side paging ====

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