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wiki:groupingheadar [2011/12/09 12:09]
wiki:groupingheadar [2017/12/09 14:52] (current)
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 Header grouping is a way to add  additional columns above the header grid rows, so that they are grouped in a way you need them.\\ Header grouping is a way to add  additional columns above the header grid rows, so that they are grouped in a way you need them.\\
-Typical implementation can look like the picture below.+Typical implementation can look like the picture below:
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
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 \\ \\
-We support two type of grouping - with colSpan enabled and colSpan disabled. \\+We support two types of grouping - with colSpan enabled and colSpan disabled. \\
 If the colSpan is disabled (the default) the headers that do not have grouping have a additional cell above it.\\ If the colSpan is disabled (the default) the headers that do not have grouping have a additional cell above it.\\
 If the colSpan is enabled there is no additional cell above the non-grouped column and it is considered as one column. If the colSpan is enabled there is no additional cell above the non-grouped column and it is considered as one column.

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