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wiki:first_grid [2013/05/27 10:09]
olegk small changes of the code
wiki:first_grid [2017/12/12 17:10] (current)
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 For this tutorial, and as an example to refer to throughout this documentation,​ we’re going to create a grid with invoice information. For this tutorial, and as an example to refer to throughout this documentation,​ we’re going to create a grid with invoice information.
-You need the following three things in order to use jqGrid: ​+You need the following three things in order to use jqGrid : 
   - A database with some sample data,      - A database with some sample data,   
   - A HTML page to show the data, and      - A HTML page to show the data, and   
Line 118: Line 118:
 <​body> ​ <​body> ​
-<table id="​list"><​tr><​td/></​tr></​table> ​+<table id="​list"><​tr><​td></td></​tr></​table> ​
 <div id="​pager"></​div> ​ <div id="​pager"></​div> ​
Line 124: Line 124:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-<note important>​The table should have an ID that is unique in the HTML document. ​ In the example above, it is "#​list"​. ​ This ID is important because you'll need it for grid functions. The elements <​tr><​td/></​tr>​ inside of the <​table>​ element are needed only to make the document the valid XHTML 1.0 Strict document. The elements will be removed by jqGrid during the jqGrid initialization</​note> ​+<note important>​The table should have an ID that is unique in the HTML document. ​ In the example above, it is "#​list"​. ​ This ID is important because you'll need it for grid functions. The elements <​tr><​td></td></​tr>​ inside of the <​table>​ element are needed only to make the document the valid XHTML 1.0 Strict document. The elements will be removed by jqGrid during the jqGrid initialization</​note> ​
 In many examples throughout this documentation,​ you'll see a hash (#) sign before ID names. ​ jqGrid works with or without the hash sign, but it's considered good practice to use the hash. In many examples throughout this documentation,​ you'll see a hash (#) sign before ID names. ​ jqGrid works with or without the hash sign, but it's considered good practice to use the hash.

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