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wiki:download [2011/04/16 17:21]
wiki:download [2017/12/12 17:07] (current)
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 Once you have a basic understanding of what Java Script and jQuery are and what they do, you're ready to try jqGrid! ​ Once you have a basic understanding of what Java Script and jQuery are and what they do, you're ready to try jqGrid! ​
-Run the [[http://​www.trirand.com/​blog/?​page_id=6 | Download Builder]] on the jqGrid website to download a copy of jqGrid. jqGrid'​s download builder allows you to choose the components you would like to download and get a custom version of the plugin for your project.+1) Run the [[http://​www.trirand.com/​blog/?​page_id=6 | Download Builder]] on the jqGrid website to download a copy of jqGrid. jqGrid'​s download builder allows you to choose the components you would like to download and get a custom version of the plugin for your project.
-<note tip>If you're new to jqGrid, you should download all the components so you can experiment freely with everything. ​ This will result in a larger filesize, but will save you from coming back.  If you're using jqGrid for a production environment,​ you might consider downloading with only the pieces used, which will result in faster downloads. </​note>​+2) Get the JQuery UI theme files. 
 +<note tip>If you're new to jqGrid, you should download all the components so you can experiment freely with everything. ​ This will result in a larger filesize, but will save you from coming back.  If you're using jqGrid for a production environment,​ you might consider downloading with only the pieces used, which will result in faster downloads.</​note>​
 ===== Choose which components you need ===== ===== Choose which components you need =====

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