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wiki:advanced_searching [2017/12/09 14:47]
wiki:advanced_searching [2017/12/12 17:17] (current)
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 We have the same options as those from [[:​wiki:​singe_searching#​options | Single Searching]] \\ Below we consider only these options that are connected with the advanced search.\\ As mentioned above the first option is We have the same options as those from [[:​wiki:​singe_searching#​options | Single Searching]] \\ Below we consider only these options that are connected with the advanced search.\\ As mentioned above the first option is
-   * multipleSearch:​true - This option activates the advanced searching+   * multipleSearch:​true - This option activates the advanced searching ​
 The second option is: The second option is:
    * sFilter - this option determines the name of the posting data. The default value is filters.    * sFilter - this option determines the name of the posting data. The default value is filters.

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