jqGrid 4.4.0
We are happy to announce the fresh new jqGrid 4.4 release. This release adds new functionality and bug fixes. Here is what is new:
- Multigrouping support – this add a grouping on more than one field
- Performance optimizations
- A LOT of fixes.
The documentation and examples are up to date. You can see it in the appropriate pages.
The examples are in Grouping item in demo and are marked as (new)
The Trirand Team
Thanks a lot.
Thank you
Oh, another new release in half a month…
Could you give some detail on the performance optimizations, what they were in general?
I am very happy for this release, JqGrid are very powerful plugin and very easy to use and costumize. Thanks for the great work!
Thanks for the update, but I also have a bug to report.
After an upgrade from 4.2.0 to 4.3.3 we noticed our grids causing a browser freeze in IE7 (tested on multiple devices and even in compatibility mode). This same bug still occurs in 4.4.0 and has caused us to perform a rollback to 4.2.0.
I know what a bitch IE7 can be, but we have costumers that cannot change their default network browser, so IE7 support remains a requirement.
What about 4.4.0 jqSuite?
file uploads available on dialog add/edit form now ?
thank you!!!!
Thanks jqGrid TM ^^
I`m korean guy..
I find bug..
that function is “resetSelection”
i used “$(“#list”).resetSelection(1);”
after “var idList = $(“#list”).jqGrid(‘getGridParam’,’selarrrow’);”
idList include “1”
I Think in resetSelection function, param rowid !== “undefined” case
must be remove with “t.p.selarrrow”
what are the performance optimizations. I am trying to see if its worth it to upgrade . .
i think i found a bug in jqGrid 4.40, when you click on the “Find Records’ button, nothing happens . .this was working fine in 4.3.1
You mentioned back in december there is a known bug of showing the scroll bar above the footerrow. It seems this is still true.
Is there a workaround for this?
In addition, it seems the footerrow does not freeze along with corresponding frozen columns?
Is it possible to pass multiple values for SortOrder attribute
Have somebody noties that if You dblClick on subgrid row ondblClickRow events is fiering on BOTH subgrid and it’s mastergrid and passed the same id from subgridrow to both functions ?
Best grid plugin available! Thanks.
happy to download!
Thanks a lot.
Downloading… you are the best!!!
Thnks a lot…..
tank you
There is the bug with the query string for advance search. It shows the column index instead of the column name.
can you provide subgrid option and frozen columns in one grid??? i hope you will provide better response.
hello 🙂 after downloading and check with IE8…. crash crash crash :'(
if grid is loonely (the last one), no crash, but with form and some Jquery UI functions, IE 8 freaze…
With version 4.1.2, it works greats then… i doesn’t use this version 🙁
But thank you for the great work done 😉
hey guys i just move version 4.1.2 to 4.40 for frozen columns but in 4.1.2 my search button is working smoothly but in 4.40 you click on the button and nothing happens can somebody give a tip.. thanks a lot a best regards….
did you find a solution thanks. @adam k
Hi Guys. i just move from JQGRID version 4.1.2 to 4.40 for frozen columns but in 4.1.2 my search button is working smoothly but in 4.40 you click on the button and nothing happens can somebody give a tip.. thanks a lot a best regards….
Forgive me if this is a stupid question — I’m a noob…
Where are the demos of version 4.4 jqGrid? The only demo page I can find stops at version 3.7:
I also found this demo page, but it only shows information about the paid PHP and ASP/MVC versions, right? I want to build with the free open source code, but this all looks like the stuff you have to pay for:
Could someone please help me understand?
Thank you very much!
Thank you. Appreciate the works.
Thanks a lot!! It’s great :))
Whether hopefully solving errors and loadonce onSelectRow and paging…
Hi there! I’ve using this version with JQuery 1.7.2 and JQuery-ui 1.8.21 and grouping results on repeated groups… I think that the grid is unable to sort before grouping for an strange reason… I have donwgraded the JS Versions of all (was using JQGrid 3.8.1, jquery 1.4.2 and jquery-ui 1.8.6) and all is back to normal (no more groups repeated…
Did somebody knows about that??? or how to solve…
method jqGrid(“remapColumns”,permArray, true) had problems in version 433 when you have hidden cols. (it doesn’t do the permutation right) and has still this problem in 440. Any tip how to make remapColumns work as it should.
jqGrid 4.4 demo perfectly on works on IE 8.
XML is from a url
It does not display rows/data , just the column headings, on Chrome 20.0.1132.57 m
XML is from same url
If I use local data, jqGrid 4.4 renders correctly in Chrome 20.0.1132.57 m.
What is going on?
The demo at http://www.trirand.com/blog/jqgrid/downloads/jqgrid_demo40.zip has a bug. In the /js folder it needs the file “jquery.js” but the provided file is “jquery.min.js”. Easiest fix is to simply rename “jquery.min.js” to “jquery.js”.
I can confirm that jqGrid 4.4.0 does not work with Chrome 20 (when loading data from external source). Firefox renders it correctly.
The onSelectRow event is not firing in Chrome. I see fixes for version 4.3 on various forums but not for 4.4. Is this a known bug, any resolution that anyone may suggest.
Thanks in advance
Can you please remove eval from the code, it introduces security issues thank you.
eval(‘(‘ + js + ‘)’);
if (eval(match)) { results.push(this); }
opts.alsoResize = eval(‘(‘ + optstest + ‘)’); // the only way that I found to do this
i have modify the ui.jqgrid.css to surpport header autoheight in long word.
from :
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-htable th div {overflow: hidden; position:relative; height:17px;}
to :
.ui-jqgrid .ui-jqgrid-htable th div {overflow: hidden; position:relative; height:auto;vertical-align:text-top;
white-space:normal !important;}
hope help you ~
JqGrid es excelente. Pero tambien seria bueno que cuando se cargue la informacion y haya paginacion se guarde esa informacion en arreglos u objetos para asi quede ya cargada cuando se vuelva a ver la misma pagina sin hacer peticion al servidor.
No se si tenga algunas desventajas de usar esta forma.
i want to use a good grid .thank you.
I fix the inline edit when during editing user try to change the page.
Move Row 1884 to Row 1881.
clearVals = function(onpaging){
var ret;
if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret = ts.p.onPaging.call(ts,onpaging); }
ts.p.selrow = null;
if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[]; setHeadCheckBox( false );}
ts.p.savedRow = [];
if(ret==’stop’) {return false;}
return true;
clearVals = function(onpaging){
var ret;
if ($.isFunction(ts.p.onPaging) ) { ret = ts.p.onPaging.call(ts,onpaging); }
if(ret==’stop’) {return false;}
ts.p.selrow = null;
if(ts.p.multiselect) {ts.p.selarrrow =[]; setHeadCheckBox( false );}
ts.p.savedRow = [];
return true;
Some bugs in header group with new jquery 1.8.0:
column width are not equal header width after use
jQuery(“#grid”).jqGrid(‘setGroupHeaders’, {
useColSpanStyle: false,
{startColumnName: ‘amount’, numberOfColumns: 3, titleText: ‘Price‘},
{startColumnName: ‘closed’, numberOfColumns: 2, titleText: ‘Shiping’}
The complex filter function modal dialog, when you add more filters the filter/query buttons at the bottom disappear, no vertical scroll bar appears and when you expand the modal dialog vertically the buttons are gone
I m getting errors after upgrading jqgrid 1.4.3 to 4.4.0 , along with jquerry 1.9
what can be the problem ?
multi-column grouping in jqgrid .
If u manually provide columns names ..it’s working great
but when dynamically providing name ..it’s not working ??
groupField : [‘col1′,’col2′,’col3’] –> working
when groupField : [some variable] –> not working
someone please help ??
hello my friends
can you help me?
What is the length and width of the grid to be set?
Hi All,
I would like to get the source for jqgrid 4.4.0, can you please suggest me where to download the js file?
PS:I have the minified version and i would like to get the src file for debugging.