My colModel has the following definition for a column:
some of the values are 0 (zero), but when I sort, 0 values are not included. I tried sorttype: int and well as float, but doesn't seem to matter.
Am I missing something?
We missed a lot of things that we need to know.
By example - are you using local data or server side obtaining a data.
If you are in second kase you will need to check your server side code when a sort is on.
I need a full grid setup and simple data in order to see where the problem was.
Kind Regards
For professional UI suites for Java Script and PHP visit us at our commercial products site - - by the very same guys that created jqGrid.
Sure, of course. Here is the info you need. I'm getting the data from the server, but switching to local data with the loadone:true. There is a bit of Grails code in the following snippets, FYI.
Full grid setup:
var billGrid; var selRowId = null; var colModelNames = [${colModelNames}]; // [ 'serviceName', 'CI_NAME','CI_TYPE','UDDS', 'amount', 'ovrrdAmount', 'isCmdbDataValid','billingCodeCmdb','ovrrdBillingCode','isBillingCodeValid','billYorN', 'isSplitBilling', 'isNonCI'] var emptyMsgDiv = $('There are no unposted rows'); $(function(){ var targetPage = 1; billGrid = $("#list").jqGrid({ url:"${createLink(controller:'physicalBilling', action:'getBillData',}", datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', colNames:[ 'SEO Service billed', 'Service Name (CI) billed','CI Type','UDDS', 'Calculated Amount', 'Override Amt', 'CMDB Data Is Valid','CMDB Billing code','Billing Code Override','Billing Code is Valid','Bill?', 'Split', 'isNonCI'], colModel :[ {name:colModelNames[0], width:60, sortable:true, sorttype:'text'}, {name:colModelNames[1], width:70, editable:true, edittype:'text', editoptions:{readonly:'readonly'}, formatter:formatCiName, unformat:unformatCiName}, {name:colModelNames[2], width:50, sortable:true, sorttype:'text'}, {name:colModelNames[3], width:30, sortable:true}, {name:colModelNames[4], width:30, sortable:true, sorttype:'currency', align:'right', formatter:'currency', formatoptions:{decimalPlaces:0,prefix:'$'}}, {name:colModelNames[5], width:25, formatter:'currency', formatoptions:{decimalPlaces:0,prefix:'$',defaultValue:' '}, sortable:true, sorttype:'currency', align:'right', editable:true, edittype:'text', editrules:{number:true}, cellattr:amountOverrideCellAttr}, {name:colModelNames[6], width:30, align:'center', formatter:overrideOrInvalidContent, cellattr:overrideOrInvalidCellAttr}, {name:colModelNames[7], width:50, sortable:true}, {name:colModelNames[8], width:50, editable:true, sortable:true}, {name:colModelNames[9], width:25, align:'center', formatter:overrideOrInvalidContent, cellattr:overrideOrInvalidCellAttr}, {name:colModelNames[10], width:15, align:'center', sortable:true, formatter:overrideOrInvalidContent, cellattr:overrideOrInvalidCellAttr,editable:true, edittype:'select',editoptions:{value:{'y':'yes','n':'no'}} }, {name:colModelNames[11], hidden:true}, {name:colModelNames[12], hidden:true} ], width: '1000', height: '100%', pager: '#pager', rowNum:20, rowList:[10,20,50,100,500], viewrecords: true, gridview: true, loadonce: true, footerrow : true, rowTotal:1000, sortname:'CI_NAME', ignoreCase:true, subGrid: true, //jsonReader: {repeatitems: false}, subGridRowExpanded: function(subgrid_id, row_id) { var subgrid_table_id; subgrid_table_id = subgrid_id+"_t"; jQuery("#"+subgrid_id).html(""); jQuery("#"+subgrid_table_id).jqGrid({ url:'${createLink(controller:'billableServiceItem', action:'getDetails')}&id=' + row_id, datatype: "json", colNames: ['CI Validation Notes','Billing Code Validation Notes','Base CI Data'], colModel: [ {name:"valnotes",index:"valnotes",width:200, cellattr:detailsFormatter}, {name:"billval",index:"billval",width:200, cellattr:detailsFormatter}, {name:"cidetails",index:"cidetails",width:400,formatter:ciDetailsFormatter}, ], height: '100%', }); function ciDetailsFormatter(cellvalue, options, rowObject){ var ciObj = jQuery.parseJSON(cellvalue); var ciObjStr = ""; for (var prop in ciObj){ if (ciObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)){ ciObjStr = ciObjStr + prop + ": " + ciObj[prop] + ", "; } } return '' + ciObjStr + ''; }; function detailsFormatter(rowId, val, rawObject, cm){ return 'class="wrapTableCell"'; }; }, editurl:"${createLink(controller:'billableServiceItem', action:'editPerformed')}", caption: 'Physical Items to be billed', onSelectRow: function(rowId, status, e){ selRowId = rowId; var selRowData = billGrid.getRowData(selRowId); if (selRowData.isSplitBilling == "n"){ $("#createSplitBtn").removeAttr('disabled'); $("#deleteSplitBtn").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $("#createSplitBtn").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); $("#deleteSplitBtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } $("#editRowBtn").removeAttr('disabled'); if (selRowData.isNonCI == 'true'){ $("#refreshBtn").attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { $("#refreshBtn").removeAttr('disabled'); } }, onPaging : function(){ disableButtonsForNoSelectedRow(); }, loadComplete: onLoadComplete, }).navGrid('#pager', {add:false, del:false, edit:false, refresh:false, search:true},{},{},{},{},{});
Sample data from the server:
{"total":398,"page":"1","records":398,"rows":[{"id":128650,"cell":{"serviceName":"Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)","CI_NAME":"ACD-CALL-LOGGER-1","CI_TYPE":"Server-Appliance","UDDS":"A-06-5043","amount":50,"ovrrdAmount":null,"isCmdbDataValid":"yes","billingCodeCmdb":"A-06-5043","ovrrdBillingCode":null,"isBillingCodeValid":"y","billYorN":"y","isSplitBilling":"n","volumeName":null,"isNonCI":false}},{"id":128570,"cell":{"serviceName":"Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)","CI_NAME":"ACD-CALL-LOGGER-2","CI_TYPE":"Server-Appliance","UDDS":"A-06-5043","amount":50,"ovrrdAmount":null,"isCmdbDataValid":"yes","billingCodeCmdb":"A-06-5043","ovrrdBillingCode":null,"isBillingCodeValid":"y","billYorN":"y","isSplitBilling":"n","volumeName":null,"isNonCI":false}},{"id":128607,"cell":{"serviceName":"Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)","CI_NAME":"ACD-REMOTE-1","CI_TYPE":"Server-Appliance","UDDS":"A-06-5043","amount":50,"ovrrdAmount":null,"isCmdbDataValid":"yes","billingCodeCmdb":"A-06-5043","ovrrdBillingCode":null,"isBillingCodeValid":"y","billYorN":"y","isSplitBilling":"n","volumeName":null,"isNonCI":false}},{"id":128521,"cell":{"serviceName":"Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)","CI_NAME":"ACD-REMOTE-2","CI_TYPE":"Server-Appliance","UDDS":"A-06-5043","amount":50,"ovrrdAmount":null,"isCmdbDataValid":"yes","billingCodeCmdb":"A-06-5043","ovrrdBillingCode":null,"isBillingCodeValid":"y","billYorN":"y","isSplitBilling":"n","volumeName":null,"isNonCI":false}},{"id":128335,"cell":{"serviceName":"Physical Hosting-Firewalll (Network)","CI_NAME":"ADAMS","CI_TYPE":"Network-Firewall","UDDS":"A-06-0170","amount":50,"ovrrdAmount":null,"isCmdbDataValid":"yes","billingCodeCmdb":"10004827.001.99","ovrrdBillingCode":null,"isBillingCodeValid":"y","billYorN":"y","isSplitBilling":"n","volumeName":null,"isNonCI":false}}
I have just tested your example. By the way there are alot of code which is missing.
I need to delete a lot of code and not sure if this is ok.
Now to the question - in my enviroment everthing work fine. The sorting is fine.
Maybe you will need give me a more data to test.
Your data for the field does not contain 0 (zero), but null which is quiet different.
If you replace these values to 0 you will see that the displayed field is canged too.
If you want a help, please post or send a full working test case.
For professional UI suites for Java Script and PHP visit us at our commercial products site - - by the very same guys that created jqGrid.
Here is some different data. One cell has ovrrdAmount: 0, most have null, some have a few different values.
Is there a way to upload screenshots? Unfortuately the site is not publicly available so I can give a link.
"id": 128650,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Appliance",
"UDDS": "A-06-5043",
"amount": 50,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-5043",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128570,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Appliance",
"UDDS": "A-06-5043",
"amount": 50,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-5043",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128607,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Appliance",
"UDDS": "A-06-5043",
"amount": 50,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-5043",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128521,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Appliance",
"UDDS": "A-06-5043",
"amount": 50,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-5043",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128335,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Firewalll (Network)",
"CI_TYPE": "Network-Firewall",
"UDDS": "A-06-0170",
"amount": 50,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10004827.001.99",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128532,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library Frame (Storage)",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Appliance",
"UDDS": "A-06-5043",
"amount": 500,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-5043",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128311,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-7171",
"amount": 253,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-7171",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128701,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Tape Library (Storage)",
"UDDS": null,
"amount": null,
"ovrrdAmount": 20,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": null,
"ovrrdBillingCode": "A",
"isBillingCodeValid": "n",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": true
"id": 128603,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4190",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10004986.002",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128278,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4190",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10004986.002",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128480,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-7180",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": 112,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10004791.103",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128681,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-7180",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": 125,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10004791.103",
"ovrrdBillingCode": "A-06-4089",
"isBillingCodeValid": "n",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "y",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128305,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4281",
"amount": 302,
"ovrrdAmount": 0,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-4281",
"ovrrdBillingCode": "D000243",
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128274,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4029",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-4029",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128448,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4029",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-4029",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128604,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4026",
"amount": 286,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "10003130.700",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128436,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-4029",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-4029",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
"id": 128509,
"cell": {
"serviceName": "Physical Hosting-Full",
"CI_TYPE": "Server-Physical-RackMount",
"UDDS": "A-06-7173",
"amount": 237,
"ovrrdAmount": null,
"isCmdbDataValid": "yes",
"billingCodeCmdb": "A-06-7173",
"ovrrdBillingCode": null,
"isBillingCodeValid": "y",
"billYorN": "y",
"isSplitBilling": "n",
"volumeName": null,
"isNonCI": false
Here is your example
As far as I see the sort is fine. Note that 0 and null are treated as same way so it is possible that some zero
0 values are between the empty ones. Is this the problem?
P.S. To overcome this problem you can define a custon sorttype which return the original value
something like this:
formatoptions:{decimalPlaces:0,prefix:'$',defaultValue:' '},
sorttype:function(v){return v;}, // or what you want if the v is null
For professional UI suites for Java Script and PHP visit us at our commercial products site - - by the very same guys that created jqGrid.
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