hi ,
i am adding row in button click using the addDatatRow with some default data. after that i am editing this data with some other data. i need the requirement like need to drag data from the above cells to below cells like in excel. for this i am adding the row with default data later draging the above cell data into the below cells. when i am editing these newly added rows if i am changed one cell in the row that is effecting to the all the rows for that cell. can any one help on this????
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if (name == 'name') {
var Name = jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid('getCell', iRow-1, iCol+1 );
jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid('setRowData', iRow-1, Name);
if (name == 'amount') {
var Gender = jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid('getCell', iRow-1, iCol – 1);
jQuery("#editgrid").jqGrid('setRowData', iRow-1, Gender);
editurl: "WebForm5.aspx/UpdatePerson"
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error: function () {
function postMethod() {
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url: "WebForm5.aspx/SendDataToServer1″,
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success: function (response) {
var person = response.d;
$("#button2″).click(function () {
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