jqGrid 3.5
jqGrid 3.5 finally is released.
First of all I want to Thank you all people that participate on this project with invaluable comments and contributions.
I have started new project jqGrid Wiki
The purpose of this project is easy to update the Documentation and the most important part – I have added a HAWTO Sections under every Documentation Chapter. Here we will add all the things that we have discussed and resolved in the Forum.
Since my primary language is not English I want to apologize for the errors in the Documentation, but I hope that with your help we make it better and better.
The registration in the jqGrid Wiki is free so feel free to correct errors and make additions in the Documentation.
(Note – the account on the jqGrid Wiki and the blog are not synchronized – sorry. Any attempt to do this ends with not working wiki.)
For all bug fix releases and updates of 3.5 version please, check the Wiki page
I’m using 3.5.3.
The find button does not work for me either. It shows up, but when I click it it does nothing. This is happening in both IE8 and Firefox 3.5
I have tried implementing it via navGrid:
.navGrid(‘#pager’, { search: true, edit: false, add: false, del: false, searchtext: “Search” });
and also via the form input button:
$(“#bsdata”).click(function() { $(“#test_grid_grid”).searchGrid({ sopt: [‘cn’, ‘bw’, ‘eq’, ‘ne’, ‘lt’, ‘gt’, ‘ew’] }) });
NEITHER OF THESE DO ANYTHING! I have been trying to find a solution all day, what am I missing?
Hi Tony, i’m using your excelent plugin on my prject, but editing grids is very slow on firefox 3.5.x and works fast on IE8. what’s the problem? I’m working with json data, and python for server side script. Thanks.
hello tony,
for master detail grid, I think it should prevents user when add detail table without selecting the master row.
I have modified your grid with addition: in grid.base.js:
$.fn.jqGrid = function( p ) {
p = $.extend(true,{
master : null, /** master page */
in grid.formedit.js:
if (o.add) {
preventShow = false;
pAdd = pAdd || {};
tbd = $(“”);
.attr({“title”:o.addtitle || “”,id : pAdd.id || “add_”+$t.p.id})
if($t.p.master.getGridParam(“selrow”) == null || $t.p.master.getGridParam(“selrow”) == undefined )
preventShow = true;
if(typeof o.addfunc == ‘function’){
} else {
$($t).editGridRow(“new”, pAdd);
preventShow = false;
return false;
//– adding check master table
/* The original —
if (typeof o.addfunc == ‘function’) {
} else {
return false;
— End Of The Original **/
}).hover(function () {$(this).addClass(“ui-state-hover”);},
function () {$(this).removeClass(“ui-state-hover”);}
tbd = null;
and in each grid:
for master grid:
var masterGrid = jQuery(“#master”).jqGrid({
url: “personil.php?q=1”,
datatype: “json”,
for detail grid:
var detailGrid = jQuery(“#detail”).jqGrid({
master : masterGrid,
url: “personil_detail.php?q=1&alamat_id=0”,
datatype: “json”,
thank you
oh I forgot something.. the master id should be append to detail post data using event onClickSubmit.
onclickSubmit: function(re, data){
var master_id = mastertGrid.getGridParam(‘selrow’);
return {‘master_id ‘ : master_id };
Did you get an answer to your question or have you discovered a solution for the inability to write into fields when the form is modal?
Hi guys, i’m having some issues. Once I completed filters and try to search, I get he “loading†splash and the overlay dissapears, letting to manipulate the grid. I want to keep the grid inactive until I close the search modal. Thanks!
url: ”,
datatype: ‘json’,
mtype: ‘GET’,
loadui: ‘block’,
multiselect: false,
colNames: [‘Id’, ‘Creada’, ‘Titulo’, ‘Opciones’],
colModel: [
{ index: ‘Id’, hidden: true, search: false },
{ index: ‘Creada’, width: 50, align: ‘left’, searchoptions: { dataInit: datePick, sopt: [‘le’, ‘ge’, ‘eq’]} },
{ index: ‘Titulo’, width: 150, align: ‘left’, searchoptions: { sopt: [‘cn’]} },
{ index: ‘Opciones’, width: 50, formatter: formatOpciones, align: ‘center’, sortable: false, search: false }
pager: jQuery(‘#pager’),
rowNum: 8,
rowList: [8, 15, 20],
sortname: ‘Creada’,
sortorder: ‘desc’,
viewrecords: true,
imgpath: ‘/content/cupertino/images’,
height: 240,
width: 867,
hidegrid: false
}).navGrid(jQuery(‘#pager’), { search: true, edit: false, add: false, del: false, searchtext: “Buscar” },
{}, // default settings for edit
{}, // default settings for add
{}, // delete instead that del:false we need this
{closeAfterSearch: false, drag: false, closeOnEscape: true }, // search options
{} /* view parameters*/
I like this plugin alot but one question I have is how to localize the column names. Does anyone have any advice how to do that.
I am using in-line edit feature of jqgrid.I am facing the following two problems :-
1. Cant commit when the user tabs of in place of pressing enter.I can get the values of cell as undefined when user tabs of.
2.Cannot focus on the cell.
Is there any way to acheive the same.Any help would be appreciated.