
Archive for the ‘jQuery’ Category

jQuery Grid 2.0

August 4th, 2007 48 comments

I have made a decision to go direct to version 2.0, since this release has a lot of new features and bug fixes. Thanks to all that helped me to make this better. I will begin with a fixed bugs.

  • IE and Safari hanging when some values in the xml node are empty – i.e. <row></row>. Now I use a different approach – see the new features.
  • IE does not format correct the table row if some data is empty – I analyze the data and add a space if it is empty.
  • Sorting problem if we do not set sort property in the column model.
  • Pager does not have correct navigation if we use a onSelectRow method and are on the first(last) page and clicking the first(last) or previous (next) page buttons.
  • Now the Grid can read a xml file which is not returned from any server side language (thanks to Damian).

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jQuery Grid 1.1 beta

June 30th, 2007 14 comments

I have updated the jqGrid to 1.1beta.
This version fixes a bug posted from Luca and add another feature – SubGrid.
Since I’m very busy with a project, I do not have time at the moment to describe all the new features (sorry). I hope that this will be done after some days.
The good news is that the grid is tested on IE6/7, FF1.05/2.0.0.x, Konqueror 3.5.6.
Only on Opera I have problems described from Luca.
Any comment and suggestion will welcome.


Searchdb Plugin

May 11th, 2007 8 comments

Searchdb is another jQuery plugin. The reason to write this plugin is that I’m a little be “lazy”. Imagine that you have a dynamic table (grid) or report in wich the user will search on many fields with diffrent criteria (equal, less, greater …). Constructing a form is a first problem. You must write so many tags and html code. The second and more importand problem is that I must analyze too much data passed to the server and construct it in a apropriate way in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. So, I think – will be possible to pass only one parameter (the search criteria) , which can be directly passed in the WHERE clause? My answer after little thik was – yes this can be done.
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