
Archive for the ‘jQuery’ Category

jqGrid 3.4

February 15th, 2009 No comments

Hello All,
After little delay the jqGrid version 3.4 is ready for download.
First of all we want to say thank you of all people that posted bugs and recommendations.

The full description of changes is available in the online documentation
The pdf version of the docs will be available after little delay.

Also you can check the new examples in demo page



jqGrid 3.4 beta 2

January 27th, 2009 55 comments

Hello All,
Mainly this is a bug fix release, but it add some other things that must be done and promised.
List of changes:

  • jQuery 1.3.1 support
  • Tree grid support now Adjacency model
  • added to setLabel 4 parameter – attribute array to set atribute properties to element

Corrected Bugs

  • setCell – attribute fix
  • onSelectCell is raised instead of multiselect
  • corrected multiple bug and size properties of the select in cleateEl function
  • fixed bug in pager buttuns when they have attr disabled
  • fixed bug in inline edit when edittype select
  • fixed bug in TreeGrid to support json
  • fixed bug in sgetRowData method in IE7 when jQuery 1.3.1 is used
  • Code optimizations and other minor fixes

At end of week I will publish a working examples with Tree Grid – xml and json support.
Please post any bugs in the forum

Best Regards
jqGrid Team


Help Testing jqGrid 3.4 beta

January 11th, 2009 36 comments

After lot of hard work we are pleased to announce a 3.4 beta release of jqGrid. This version should not be used in production, since it will be quite possible to change some things. Please post any bugs or recommendations in the forum.
The release can be downloaded from Releses menu. Whitin the package there is a readme file which describes all changes and how to use the new things.
Here in brief what is new
Read more…


jQuery Grid 3.3

October 14th, 2008 25 comments

jqGrid team is pleased to anonce the new 3.3 version of jqGrid. This version correct a lot of bugs and of course add more power to jqGrid. Be a sure to visit the demo page for some of the new features. The Documentation is up to date and you can view all the changes here. Thank you Reg for the great job.
The pdf version of the docs will be available tomorrow.
A lot of the new features are available thanks to NutshellMail team. They use jqGrid in thier flagship web-based service application.


jqGrid Future

October 10th, 2008 28 comments

For me is difficult to write such post, but…
It is over a year and half from the first release of jqGrid. At the begining I created this plugin for my own needs, since I do not have find any practical and easy for use grid software. I never believe that this plugin will be so popular and used from jQuery community.
In every new release I added more and more features thanks to jQuery community. From this point it was a very natural to have a separate site and support form, which help me and help you to resolve any kind of problems related to jqGrid.
This of course cost me a lot of time and work. During this year and half there was only one contribution to jqGrid.
Many people asked me why I do not have Donation button? Any attempt to add such button ends with no success. The reason for this, let say, are the laws in my Country regarding the donations.
I have make a decision to add a Paid Support as alternative to Donation. The sums of course will be symbolic.
I think that this will help us to provide a high quality and well documented and supported jqGrid.
It is important to note that jqGrid is and will be in the future a Open Source software.

In this connection I want hear – What is the opinion of the community?
In all cases I will take your opinion in consideration.
I aplogize for my not good English.

Thank you
Tony Tomov

P.S. Next week I will publish jqGrid Roadmap.

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